Maybe you should go out of your comfort zone and look at different things to give you ideas, like check out the games on newgrounds, play it through and read the credits/ or short backstory (where the author says he/she worked on this project for long time or something) . About your procrastination thing, you should listen to music you love while you work, it makes time go faster if you put your mind into it. You should also know that every thing you make isn't going to be perfect. Failure is apart of the path to success, each time you fail, you learn better with yourself and future games. I hope you keep making games ^o^
Thanks for the encouraging words. I never thought about listening to music. I don't know why, it's so obvious lol. I will definetley make a point of listening to music next time I make a game. Thanks for the response.
Maybe you should go out of your comfort zone and look at different things to give you ideas, like check out the games on newgrounds, play it through and read the credits/ or short backstory (where the author says he/she worked on this project for long time or something) . About your procrastination thing, you should listen to music you love while you work, it makes time go faster if you put your mind into it. You should also know that every thing you make isn't going to be perfect. Failure is apart of the path to success, each time you fail, you learn better with yourself and future games. I hope you keep making games ^o^
Thanks for the encouraging words. I never thought about listening to music. I don't know why, it's so obvious lol. I will definetley make a point of listening to music next time I make a game. Thanks for the response.